Sail On!
“On ne découvre pas de terre nouvelle sans consentir à perdre de vue, d'abord et longtemps, tout rivage.”
“One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight, for a very long time, of the shore.”
-André Gide
Where did we learn that we have to keep a constant eye on what happened in our past as a way of moving into our future?
Now, I am not suggesting that we not learn from past mistakes – clearly we should learn from our mistakes so we don’t repeat them. But let’s not dwell on those mistakes either.
Have you ever considered that dwelling on your great accomplishments from the past may be holding you back as well? It’s true, anything we hold on to will narrow our frame of mind. We limit our own possibility because we narrow the focus of our mind in such a way that we come to believe the future is limited and subject to what we've already created. It’s not!
Any limitation we take on in mind becomes the limitation we experience in life.
So…learn from the mistakes, celebrate the great accomplishments, but remember that those experiences have no bearing on the infinitely magnificent potential you are. So let them go! They will be there in your memory if you really want to revisit them, but don't let them limit you as you sail on to your next great experience!