We Know Everything
“When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.”
-Kahlil Gibran
What do you think you know?
It’s a loaded question.
Personally I think I know a lot. I have learned a lot from books, from observation, from delving into the relative information available all around me. In fact, upon first meeting someone whom I’ve come to know as a sister, I famously uttered the phrase, “I know everything,” and it’s become a bit of a joke between us. That utterance was about a particular conversation that I had overheard — but, fundamentally, to know everything is also a Spiritual Truth.
The Spiritual Truth is this: We have access to the infinite breadth of knowledge of the Universe. However, we’ve been socialized in a way as to not tap in or trust the infinite. When we DO tap in... we call it intuition.
We also may be missing the information we seek because we are limiting our way of receiving it. We limit our access by qualifying the value of the information all around us. We decide whether the information is good or bad, helpful or not. Just like the minority voice I wrote about in my last entry, there is something in everything that we hear that is important for us to consider. So the less we judge the information, the more we open ourselves to learning and knowing.
The expression of our innate intuition shows up everywhere. Let’s not limit ourselves to what we already think we know and open up to the unlimited possibilities of infinite knowledge and wisdom. We have unlimited access to actively know more and more, and it is up to us to keep searching and questioning and allowing ourselves to be open to the answers (whether we like them or not). We actually DO know everything, because we are the living expression of the infinite — we are one of God, and God knows everything.