Jonathan Zenz

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Extended Family is Not So Extended

In this week of Thanksgiving I have discovered that I have more cousins that I once thought. While there are genetic markers which will prove scientifically that I have connections about which I am currently unaware (but finding out all the time), the more meaningful familial relationships to me are those people with whom I share my life. Whether they be friends, genetic relatives, or in-laws everyone is my family. The people I don’t know all around are actually my family as well. So it is no surprise any longer when I find out about genetic connections.

We are a small band of over 7 billion on this small stone in the Universe. Each of us, at the fundamental core of our being, is totally connected — we are formed of the same “stuff.” As Joni  Mitchell wrote, “We are stardust.” And that is literally true. On the atomic level all that we are is a reorganization of the elements created when stars exploded. Not only does that connect us all, it connects us to the whole of the Universe. We are that immense!

So I live in gratitude for all my family — those whom I know and those whom I have yet to meet.

I let go of my judgment, disillusionment, upset, annoyance, and anger and allow it to be replaced with gratitude and thanksgiving. In doing so, I find myself back in the metaphorical garden where my alignment is more attuned with connection to the whole rather than separation. Let’s all go back there.

We are that we are.

I am that I am.

You are my family.

I will meet you in the garden.

Happy Thanksgiving!