Jonathan Zenz

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It's Natural

I frequently can be found contemplating the concept of Laws and Principles in our universe. What I seem to come back to is that ultimately all laws are the same.  The Laws and Principles of the Universe are all expressions of the Divine Law of Cause and Effect.

Take, for instance, gravitation.  It is spontaneously natural; we don’t give it a second thought.  But what is it?  Basically, in layman’s terms, gravitation is the agency that attracts objects with mass to one another.  So – everything with form has an attraction to all other things with form.  Gravitation is the thing that holds the entire Universe together.  It is a demonstration of the law of attraction in our physical world.

We can’t see it, but we know the effects of it.  To date we cannot measure the actual essence of gravitation, but we can measure the effects of it.  Gravitation is always at work, it always has been regardless of our cerebral understanding of it.

Like gravitation, the Divine Law of Cause and Effect is always at work.  We can measure the effects of the Law though as things unfold in our lives based on our thoughts and beliefs, but the actual essence of it is hidden from our eyes.  We know it in and we use it always regardless of our awareness of it.  It is natural.  To many it may seem supernatural, as though we use the Law as though it were magic to create demonstrations in our lives.

God is not magic.

God is spontaneous.

God is natural.