Jonathan Zenz

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How’s It Working For You?


One of the fundamental aspects of Science of Mind is that it is intended to be used. It is active and its activity is the use we make of it. To make use of it we must first know the method by which it works.

Very simply put, the method by which is works is this: activation of consciousness leading to action in life. Consciousness precedes all activity.

I love that Holmes starts this section by saying this is not a special revelation of any individual. It’s not. It is the basic truth for all, and at our core I believe we all have a fundamental alignment with this very idea: How we think determines the quality of our life. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. As I’ve already posted, if I think happy thoughts, my experiences tend to be happy and vice versa.

Have you ever known someone who has a cloud hanging over them? No matter what, for them everything is a problem and nothing is to be trusted because it all falls apart. Inevitably this is what happens in their life. Problems beget problems. Distrust shows up as untrustworthiness in their affairs. Like magic, though, if they turn their thinking around then their experiences begin to change.

It’s not magic. It’s the way it works.

At the end of the day, no one has to believe in the Science of Mind as a philosophy to make it work for them. What changes lives is consciousness, not adherence. I personally choose to adhere to the Science of Mind because it creates a structure for making my life better. It keeps me on track—and I appreciate that!

So I choose to work at it and let myself live in the power of self-reliance. I choose to eliminate suffering, or at the very least know that there is something I can do about it. I am at choice, and it is choice that sets me free (and also binds me if I let it).

Today I let my true nature shine forth like a beacon so brightly that it illuminates the dark places in my life and the lives of others. When I shine forth others cannot help but see the light and say, “I’ll have what he’s having!”