Jonathan Zenz

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Oh The Greatness You Are!


There is a definition I learned in my metaphysical training that has become rote, but the power of its meaning is not lost.

“We are Spiritual Beings, living in a Spiritual Universe, governed by our use of a Spiritual Law: The Law of Cause and Effect.”

This is what we refer to in classes as the Divine Principle and that is what today’s reading is about. In relationship to the mental approach we take, this principle can either make us feel remarkably minuscule, or unfathomably massive. I choose the latter.

It can make us feel small because we cannot possibly understand the scope of the Spiritual Universe, and as Spiritual Beings who are a part of that universe we can feel diminished. Since there is no way for us to truly conceive of infinity, we are always limited in our scope of understanding.

I like to work in the opposite direction. Since it is infinite, and we are part of it, we too must be infinite. At the very least we have access to the infinite. Coming from this point of view we seek to expand our understanding and place as begin of this Universe. Expansion feels good, and there is always room for more.

To help us understand the nature of being we dissect it, slicing it up to make sense out of the parts since we are not yet fully able to make sense out of the whole as a whole. Activities of spiritual practice help us to work in the direction of making sense of it all.

So we begin by breaking the concept of mind into two categories: Conscious Mind and Subjective Mind. Note that Ernest Holmes is very clear to say that there are not two minds… only two names to describe states of consciousness. This is working from the point of view of being infinite, of expansion.

To be in the flow of the infinite is to be in the active flow of creation. We can never truly escape it, but we can direct the flow. That’s the great news and the whole joyful conceit of this philosophy. We make our lives better through the acceptance and use of the Infinite.

Don’t worry too much if you don’t deeply comprehend this now. Just keep up with reading everyday—it will get clearer and clearer. One day you will awaken and realize that you understand this more than you thought you did before!

So today, just contemplate the idea that there is only one mind, it is conceived of in two ways: conscious and subjective, and that we actively use this infinite mind as our own to create our lives.

That’s where I will leave it today.