Jonathan Zenz

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Don't Take That Detour


Warning: I am working out a logical argument for myself in this post… so it’s fairly esoterically philosophical. I hope you enjoy!

Temporary. Meaning “limited in time,” from the latin root ‘tempus’ meaning ‘time.’

That is what form is. That is what the body is.

Form cannot exist without time, and time cannot exist without form.

Time and form are a result of something. So what is that something? The truth is I don’t actually know, but I agree with the conjecture of the mystics of the ages that unlimited consciousness, or Spirit, is the thing from which all form springs.

In yesterday’s post I noted that all form is the result of Spirit making something out of itself. So time and form ARE Spirit, at the level of limitation (as form and time). Within Spirit all potential exists… not just some… ALL POTENTIAL! So that illuminates for me this idea: all that CAN BE already IS.

The idea within Spirit that represents you and me is an idea that always has existed, so in essence we have always existed and always will.

So what is the point in knowing this?

Well, if we can’t separate form and time from Spirit then we shouldn’t bother trying. And yet, so many try to do just that.

Have you ever experienced someone who has things which have “fallen apart” in their lives, who exclaim, “Spirit has it all handled, all is well.” Yet in that exclamation, nothing changes… their lives are still chaos?

I am not implying that we should stand in judgment of this life experience, that would be a terrible thing to do. What we can do is learn from it FOR OURSELVES. After all we can only truly be responsible for ourselves and no one else.

That type of avoidance of the experiences we may be having in the world of form is called “spiritual bypass.” It is a defense mechanism, for sure, but disconnects us from an aspect of Spirit. That aspect is… wait for it… time and form. We can’t disconnect from Spirit! If we were able to disconnect then that would mean there was something other than Spirit… but Spirit is infinite… if there were something else, then Spirit would be finite.

So spiritual bypassing is avoiding an aspect of spirit rather than taking charge of our mind and doing the actual mental work it takes to create a new cause and therefore change the effects of our lives.

Let’s not do that.

Let’s take actual charge of our lives rather than live in avoidance.

Well, that’s what I am going to continue to do.