Jonathan Zenz

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Celebrate! You Are The ONE!


What does that mean? Unity and Multiplicity?

Well for me it is one of the most magnificent parts of this whole spiritual thing I’m so invested in. Briefly, unity is the understanding that there is only one thing (remember “The Thing Itself?”), one energy, one creative resource. Everything that exists is a part of the unified and infinite wholeness. Multiplicity means that the expression of this unified wholeness shows up in infinite ways! No two expressions of this wholeness are alike—and yet, all are part of the one.

It is this very concept that makes it ok to make the claim, “I am God… and so are you… we are one unified wholeness in perfect expression.” We articulate the expression of God uniquely… but God is our identity at the core.

We celebrate uniqueness. We celebrate individuality. We celebrate diversity. All of it is the perfect expression of the Divine.

This hit home for me this past weekend as I was watching one of the new episodes of “Queer Eye.” Do you remember the first iteration of that show on Bravo back in the early 2000s? Well, Netflix has brought the show back and it is a lovely update.

The conceit of the show it five gay men who work with another man to uplevel that man’s experience in and of the world. Watch it… the idea is simple and the stories of these men facing their own insecurities and touching on their vulnerabilities is beautiful. The result is a magnificent expression of self-growth for each.

The episode that really caught me (and frankly had me weeping) was the episode where a young man was wanting to change his life experience and come out as a gay man to his step-mother. We hear these stories all the time now, but there was something in this that touched on my vulnerability and reminded me of my own coming out. I came out a generation ago when there was still a challenge for many to make the public proclamation.

Holmes wrote in today’s reading, “the many never contradict the Unity of the whole.” That means that every expression of God (as us) that is loving and life affirming could possibly be a contradiction to the nature of God (as us). Uniqueness is a virtue. YOU ARE UNIQUE!

Celebrate the you that you are!