Jonathan Zenz

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Mental Images are More Than We Realize!


I don’t really know what to say about the part of today’s reading with the subtitle, “Immortality,” except this… there is a whole chapter in the book (Chapter 23) on the very topic that is much more thorough and concise. So. I am going to move past that section and talk a little about the final subtitled paragraph in this Chapter on “Body,” and most specifically the final sentence: “Intelligence is the ultimate creative agency of the Universe!”

We’ve moved through the three aspects of what God is… Spirit, Soul, Body. God is everything that exists, and more importantly the consciousness behind it that created everything that exists. There is no separation—God is the consciousness AND the form. It is Infinite.

So the point of these chapters is to bring us to this point—“Intelligence is the ultimate creative energy of the Universe!” There is a reason that this sentence is in italics in the book (and I’ve quoted it twice)… it is important!

Can we deepen our experience of our own use of the infinite intelligence? Can we develop a technique for unleveling our life?

Everything begins with a Divine Mental Picture. That picture exists in our own minds! When we accept the picture we would like wholeheartedly (not just “whole-mindedly”) then the picture must come to fruition in our experience of life. That’s the nature of God in a nutshell, expressed by means of us.

And no two expressions are alike… even if the fundamental parts are the same.

So let’s chose today to celebrate our uniqueness. Our uniqueness is God ordained and should be celebrated.

Use the power at hand to challenge the places where you are compelled to conform. There is no requirement for conformity.

I am working through my own challenges of the urge for conformity in the Spiritual Community I am envisioning and shortly moving to Tucson, Arizona to create. I don’t choose to be like every other Spiritual Center. I choose a unique identity and trust that the Community that resonates with what is coming through me, as me, from “on high” (which is actually from the truth of me), is attracted to what I bring. I choose a strong community.

That’s the core of my Divine Mental Picture.

Ernest Holmes used to open his radio program with these words, “There is a power for good in the Universe greater than you are, and you can use it!” You can use it, because you ARE it!