Jonathan Zenz

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Wide Eyed Evolution


It’s been a challenging couple days. While I try to maintain a distance from involving this blog in specifics about what is happening in the world, I alway try to bring something personal to the discussion of the Science of Mind daily reading.

Today’s reading struck me as relevant to what has occurred in a Florida high school just two days ago. Yet another school shooting. In reflecting what I’ve felt over these two days since I saw the news, I realize that I have been aligned with a race consciousness that feels a little defeated and desensitized… and helpless.

So I take myself more deeply into my spiritual practice to work through the issue. I have been trying to reconcile the very thing that today’s reading covers, the relationship between freedom and bondage. It’s a slippery slope today because today’s reading can easily suggest that the best thing to do is to move into what could be considered a frame of mind that is denial. This is not what the reading is actually suggesting, but it can be interpreted that way, as if to say that the answer to seeing the great ills of the world is, “God is all there is, God has it handled.” While there is a fundamental truth to that at the level of the absolute, I am still having experiences at the level the relative—and from the level of the relative I am the Divine instrument for making change. That is how God handles it, as me… as you… as everyone… for we are, each and every one of us, OF GOD. We handle it AS God.

The great ills of the world are wake up calls that there is much more to be done in our spiritual evolution. If the nature of God is to create, and the Divine will is for good to prevail, then everything that contradicts this is a call for us to take action in mind and in body.

We can rise above the bondage we’ve created in our experience. The bondage is simply that… an experience that follows the misuse of mind. What happened in Florida is a misuse of the Infinite power we have at hand. It is up to us to learn and change. We must awaken to the fundamental cause behind the experience. That is our journey. That is our evolution.