Jonathan Zenz

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Deny the Denial


In the development of New Thought there was a woman who is known in metaphysical circles as a profound healer. She is also known as the "Teacher of Teachers'" as her direct teaching has informed all the great New Thought philosophies, Unity, Divine Science, and Religious Science (of which I am a minister). Her name is Emma Curtis Hopkins.

On the path to becoming a licensed practitioner students are required to learn about her and her influence. She has been described as one who heals by her very presence.

In her work she utilized something we have tended away from in the current development of New Thought. While we use affirmations to great effect, and I suppose I am speaking mainly of Religious Science here, we tend not to use denials.

What’s the difference? Here is is in a nutshell:

AFFIRMATION: I am the magnificent expression of infinite prosperity.

DENIAL: There is no lack or limitation.

While I suppose you could figure our the the difference between the two on your own, I wanted to use an example so I could encourage you to do this… read the statements out loud, let yourself speak them as true from the heart, and see how you feel.

My guess is this… the affirmation will feel better, more productive, and activating. Pay attention to the feeling. It is feeling that fuels the engine of creation.

Now, Emma Curtis Hopkins worked with both affirmations and denials. Ernest Holmes was a student of hers late in her life. So, today’s reading feels very much aligned with the process of denial.

Here is the issue that I have, now, with denials—the consciousness of denial places us firmly in the state of that which we would not like to experience. It keeps the idea we would like to negate present at the forefront of our mind. Can we not simply work with the affirmation to keep it at the forefront? That seems like a stronger approach to me. Deny the denial.

So we’ve evolved from the Emma Curtis Hopkins model.

We’ve evolved from Ernest Holmes meditation today.

How might we continue to evolve?

That’s up to us!