Jonathan Zenz

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Sheer Perfection


Today’s meditation was a fitting reading for me. I really needed to be reminded of the perfection in all things, and open my eyes to it. The tendency of my mental process is in that direction most of the time, and this week has, so far, been a little challenging. Yet the challenge has all been in my mind. When I step back and review the grand scope of life… it’s pretty darn good and everything is in perfect flow.

So what is the challenge?

The challenge is moving. I am moving again, and moving has not been an easy process for me (although I’ve made several big moves in my life…. Tucson to New York City to Los Angeles to Toronto to Los Angeles… and now back to Tucson). There is a level of stress that I’ve been feeling with the coordination of all the various elements. And it hasn’t felt perfect. So there it is. That feeling of imperfection.

That feeling is simply my mind. The Infinite truth is that within all of it is absolute perfection. In the midst of my perception chaos there is an order. When I take the moment to review my mind, and its relationship to the circumstances of my life I recognize that all is in perfect flow. That is the truth. That flow may not be along the exact path I thought it would be on… but that is the nature of the flow. When we give in to the flow the natural tendency is for ease. The river takes the most direct path to the sea, and never struggles to do so.

So the importance of a consistent, daily spiritual practice is to allow us to be reminded of this flow of perfection in the outpouring of life as us. When I give in to the practice, I trust more easily that all is well. It is only when I step out of the practice that everything falls apart.

So today… I go with the flow. How about you? Will you go with the flow?