Jonathan Zenz

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You Are Successful Because You Are the Rose!


Can we just begin by saying we'll look past the limited gendered language and get to the core of this meditation? We can all replace pronouns with our preferences to make this non-gendered, right?

This meditation was particularly relevant to me. As I work on the various elements required to begin a non-profit business in Arizona I can sometimes easily feel buried beneath the bureaucracy. I have been in a sea of Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, budget and accounting decisions, not to mention figuring out how to launch the actual events that Tucson New Thought will initially offer! It can feel overwhelming. So I needed this today!

“My business is directed by Divine Intelligence.”

In ruminating on this idea I am reminded that my mind is the Divine Mind… so all my business in my Mind is the activity and is directed by Divine Intelligence. As such I don’t need to strain and stress about it. I can give in to the flow of this Intelligence. What does that mean? It means I can trust my intuition.

That leads to the next line, “The All-Knowing Mind knows what to do and how to do it.” Well isn’t that a relief!

It is a great reminder to get out of our own way when we are approaching anything in our lives from a limited point of view. How can we have fallen so deeply into the chasm of limitation, when our very nature is Infinite? It’s a funny thing we do with our volition, we spend a lot of time in the choice of thinking we are small when the Truth is we are just the opposite.

In an advanced class I was assisting with on Monday night the topic covered was “Oneness.” Each of the students had to explain their understanding of “Oneness” in relationship to the philosophy and their own lives.

One of the students said something that was so beautifully poetic. She said, “When I’m really in the ‘now’ present moment awareness, and in a place where I am so connected that it’s like the body falls away and you are the rose.”

You are the rose.

What we think of as ourselves is usually limited to our physical being ness. We think we are our body, but the body is the result of who we really are. The body is the manifestation of the self, a manifestation of our consciousness in form. So, yes we are our body, but we are so much more.

It is this “so much more” that we may learn to rely on through Spiritual Practice.

It is this, “so much more” that informs all of our business affairs when we allow it.

Perhaps it is time to look at where we’ve all placed our own limited ideas on the Infinite nature of the Divine Intelligence and begin the work of stripping them away so we are left with only the rose.