Jonathan Zenz

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The Proof is in the Application of the Principle!

Feb 29 Reading:

Mar 1 Reading:

Today’s Reading:

I’m back! It has been an eventful and busy couple days since my last “proper” blog post. I have made my way to Starbucks because I know I can grab internet service on my computer (and not tether off my phone). It feels good to be back.

I made my way from LA to Tucson yesterday. I drove a sixteen foot moving truck with my car hitched to the back. That meant I had to drive slower than I am used to on that trip… and from departure in LA to arrival in Tucson I was on the road for twelve hours. This long drive was compounded with a head cold which I’ve developed these last couple days. Now is the time to put this philosophy to the test!

Religious Science is a branch of New Thought (which also includes Unity and Divine Science). New Thought has its roots in the work of many metaphysical philosophers, but none more influential, perhaps, than Phineas Quimby. Quimby’s point of view in his work was simple, illness originates in the mind, and it is in the mind that illness can be eradicated. I say, “simple,” but maybe not quite so easy to master.

We begin the section in the readings from yesterday and today (and the reading scheduled for Feb. 29 — but I guess we are only supposed to read that every four years) in the section of the book titled, “Spritual Mind Healing.” This is a leap for some people. What does that mean, Spiritual Mind Healing?

I can hear the chorus of groans (because that is where I began, as a member of that chorus). But let’s look at this logically. We’ve just entered the month of March, and we’ve spent these last two months reading the fundamentals of the relationship of God and man… perhaps better expressed as the relationship of God AS man. If we are God, and God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, doesn’t that mean that we are omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent as well? If we are God and God by virtue of it’s own will can be cause to any effect—doesn’t it stand to reason that we can be cause to any effect?

Illness is an effect. The cause lies entirely in mind. If we want to cure the symptoms of the illness, we need to address the thinking patterns in mind. I’ve had a lot going on in mind these past several days, so whatever erroneous thinking patterns have arisen I invite them now to move on and leave me reflecting the true essence of my nature—perfect health.

So it is time for us all to begin moving past the pronouncement of the principle and start putting it to use in our lives.  We get to do this in a practical, structured way. A benefit to what I have to offer is that the structure of Spiritual Mind Healing modalities can be learned and mastered. We teach a method for the activation of Universal Mind. Master the method and use it to your advantage. It’s up to you to determine how you want to use it.

Today I choose to use it to release the cold I’ve developed. I welcome healing in this moment and I do so through this Spiritual Mind Treatment:

There is only one power and one presence. It is the infinite creator of all that is, and all that is is the perfect unfoldment of this infinite creative resource. It is love, it is light, it is life, it is peace, power, beauty, joy—and so much more. This infinite creator, Love, is exactly who I am and who we all are. Therein I recognize and honor and know my own Divinity and the Divinity of all.

In the depths of the feeling of this I now align my mind and all that is in it with the natural flow of health. The nature of God is perfect health, so I know this to be the truth of me in this moment. I am healthy in mind, and healthy in body. All expressions of me in this moment are aligned with the Divine blueprint which is sourced in that part of me that is infinite and Divine.

For this alignment, for this understanding, and for this perfection that IS ME now, I am in eternal gratitude. I feel the gratitude well up within, with no need to force it, I simply allow it. I release this word AS the law, as the cause, and expect the perfect effect to unfold. Stepping out of the way of the divine circuits, I let it flow! And so it is.

That is what we call a Spiritual Mind Treatment… the structure is what we teach, and the feeling infused with faith in the words is what activates the cure in the form.

I have come to believe in the power of this method, and that faith in the power deepens within me each day.