Jonathan Zenz

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Necessity of Faith


I was walking with someone very close to me yesterday as we discussed an issue that was unfolding in their life. The issue was one that didn’t feel so good. Looking at the circumstances of this issue elicited a feeling of being defeated by the effects. Do you ever feel this way?

As we walked and talked about what was unfolding for this person I gained a keen insight that what was at play was a belief in a need to “figure out” what was going on, and in figuring it out an answer to how this issue is healed would come. The figuring out, however, had taken over the mental process, and rather than settling into a place of faith my friend felt like they really needed to “make it work.”

I said to this person, “What if there was nothing to figure out?”

“What do you mean?” was the response.

“What if instead of working so hard to figure out what’s wrong, we reframe the consciousness to the truth that even this circumstance is whole; and from wholeness comes deeper healing. In that… there is nothing to figure out; there is only a deeper sense of connection to the whole to welcome into consciousness,” was my reply.

That reply changed the whole energy of the moment. It allowed a deeper placement of faith.

None of us really need to know, or struggle to understand, the “how” of things. This is a challenge for many because we live in a culture that encourages “figuring things out.” While there is a place for that, sometimes we need to step back and let our faith lead the way.

Another aspect of this conversation was my consideration that the person with whom I was speaking is new to this philosophy. While I sense an inherent connection, the conviction is still being worked out. That kind of situation can be hard for those of us who have changed our lives through this teaching. We can easily come to believe that because it works for us that we need to get everyone on board. That’s not a valuable approach, though. We cannot coerce anyone into belief just as we cannot coerce the Law of Cause and Effect to work. All we can do is show up authentically and trust. When we show up authentically, what I’ve seen is this: people want what you have. When they ask, then we can work with them to open up to the Spiritual Truth. It is not up to us to make anyone else believe. My job is to know that it works for me. I don’t need to concern myself with it working for anyone else. If those people are attracted to what is working for me, then I am present to offer the information.

That’s a good thing.

So today I live in faith that a change is made, not by my forcing change, but by my being open to change. My faith sets forth the healing aspect of Spirit, and the form of change follows. It works for me… and doesn’t HAVE to work for anyone else! So, I let it be!

And so it is.