Jonathan Zenz

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Speak With Divine Authority


So much of what we are reading right now has to do with speaking and the voice. Perhaps as metaphor, and perhaps literally. It doesn’t go unnoticed by me that I’ve had difficulty with my voice this last week. The cold from which I have nursed myself back to health has dissipated, and the only lingering issue is that my voice is not 100%.

There are many people in many spiritual circles that might wonder about the lack of voice that I’ve been experiencing. They might ask, “What is it that you feel you can’t say, or is being left unsaid?”

Those types of questions both annoy me, and intrigue me. They annoy me because I consider that there might be something within the question that is touching on truth… and that is what leaves me intrigued. So I move past any perception of judgment I assume they may have by asking the question and move to the place within myself that has all the answers.

What is it I feel I can’t say right now?

Well, it is all around the fear of failure that ministers are not supposed to have. I have moved to a new city. I have given up the comfort of guaranteed income. No income stream has begun to unfold yet. That can add to feelings of fear that belie the trust I have in Spirit to provide.

We can very easily spiral down. Stepping up and using my voice can change all of that. Yesterday I mentioned that effective prayer is spoken out load (you might have missed it, because it wasn’t a main point—but it is there). I have often been asked in classes why we should speak our prayers out loud.

When we speak them out loud we establish more that just a mental exercise. We are engaging the senses. We feel the air flowing through our system past the vocal folds, out the mouth and that engages us. We can hear the words we speak as they are expressed. This adds a level of acceptance, and provides more focus for us as we speak.

To speak out loud is to take a moment away from the monkey mind and focus our attention. It is actually a very loving thing we can do for ourselves—to take the time to consciously align ourselves with our good. That is the voice of truth expressing from within. And it is wonderful to experience!

State what you require.

State it from the point of view that you are valuable to this world.

State it from the understanding that you are speaking with Divine authority—because you are Divine!

Allow yourself to well up with gratitude for the word.

And then let it go. Relax into the knowledge that your word IS the law of your life.

And so it is.