Jonathan Zenz

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A Reminder to Remember

I am back. At least one day at a time. So I am back today.

I can give you all sorts of excuses as to why I haven’t done a written blog in so long. The excuses don’t matter. What matters, for me, is the discoveries I have made as I stepped away from writing daily.

The corresponding activity of my stepping away was ostensibly my arrival in Tucson and the beginning of Tucson New Thought. It’s been a lot of work, yes, and it’s been very rewarding… and it’s also been the biggest challenge I’ve ever faced in my life. The challenge is good.

What I realize in the challenge is that I live my life in a constant state of reminder. For as I delved into he work of establishing a business, getting all the documentation in order, determining a plan of action for the activities of the business, addressing perceived setbacks, and choosing to move forward I sat up and had to remind myself that at the center of it all was God.

Good Orderly Direction
Greatness On Demand

It doesn’t matter how I express God, it is there at the center of it all.

The reminder? Well, the reminder was to remember! It is very easy to disassociate the “business” aspects of a Spiritual Center from the “ecclesiastical” aspects of the Center. Clearly, any government entity that would have any questions about the business of the center will not likely accept as an answer this: “It’s all God. It’s all good.”

Even if that is the spiritual truth, it means nothing without embodiment.

So what I remember is to ensure that God is at the center of it all. Yes, it is all God, and it is all good, and spiritual practice as part of the business instills the deepest embodiment of that in the work.

I will not beat myself up. I now let myself off the hook. After all, I created the “hook” so I can let myself off of it!

Today is my recommitment to the practice of practice. And so it is!