Jonathan Zenz

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It's Not A Resolution

“Just because today provides a setback, doesn’t mean tomorrow there won’t be a rocket launch into greatness.” - Jonathan Zenz

There is an ebb and flow to everything. We experience life in ups and downs, progressions and regressions. The moon’s face is seen and unseen to us, the sun has its own cycle of activity. The seasons come and go, the tide comes in and out. There is constant, unceasing movement.

That’s the lesson for me today.

I have returned to the Garden Island… Kauaʻi in the middle of the Pacific. It’s a magnificent return to the place where I have been journeying every year for the last half decade. I plan to continue this journey each year. I come for the spiritual practice and I always return to the mainland changed in some profound way.

Having been here for the past 36 hours or so since I arrived, I have been reflecting on the events of the past year which have brought me to this place. 363 days ago I thought my life was complete. It was the day of the “ballistic missile scare” in Hawaii, when a message was sent on the emergency alert system that read, “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.” I use all caps here, because the message I received on my phone was sent in all caps. For 38 minutes there was no follow-up; just fear and confusion about the message. In those 38 minutes my life path changed (yet again). The Universe provided for me a jolt as if to say, “get off your ass and get on with the work.”

We did receive a follow-up message that indicated the message was a false alarm. The result of the message was a total reassessment of my life. What was I doing? How was I living? What was important? If this was it, did I feel complete in what I had done? The answers were mainly “no.”

I wasn’t complete. I made change almost immediately. I restructured my life and made the leap to go to Tucson. That had been my intention when I left Toronto… but I took what I thought would be an “easy” path to set myself up. That was a tack in a direction I didn’t wish to travel, so I had to come about.

I made it to Tucson. I landed there March 1 and immediately went to work on launching a new work, Tucson New Thought - A Center for Spiritual Evolution. The work increased, other things I had been doing decreased — including this blog. The work on the blog ebbed.

The work on Tucson New Thought was set on a back-burner, once again, when I decided to live the illusion of comfort by taking a job. While it seemed necessary at the time, TNT suffered and I never was able to give over completely to the necessary work of building my community.

That has ended. The ebbing has ceased and now I accept the flow. I could look at the events as setbacks, but they are not. They were necessary at the time and each has reminded me of the importance of my spiritual path and practice.

Why is this entry titled, “It’s Not A Resolution”? Only because I make no resolution that this blog will continue in this form. One of my joys last year was writing this blog and recording my weekly podcast… and then I “got busy.” I have frequently wanted to return to those activities. I just didn’t. It’s not a resolution to return, because the collective consciousness is one weighted in the direction of failure of new year’s resolutions.

So how do I reconcile my desire with the weight of the shared consciousness? I take it all one day at a time.

There is a rocket launch into the next paradigm underway… it doesn’t need to be precipitated by the fear of a ballistic missile. It simply requires a daily decision to live the decision.

I welcome the flow.