Spiritual Home Inspection
“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.”
Joseph Campbell
It is not uncommon to use the metaphor of building and construction to describe the belief system and its relationship with the expression of our lives. When we are born, we begin the process of laying foundational beliefs. Just like with a home, a strong foundation will benefit the structure — any problem with the foundation will be detrimental.
I am in the process of buying a townhouse. Dane, my husband, and I settled on an offer and had it accepted by the seller just yesterday. It’s been an interesting ride as I’ve never purchased a home (or any form of real estate, for that matter) before. Today we are working to arrange our home inspection and I am grateful for the opportunity.
It got me to thinking, though, how often do we get a belief system inspection? Doesn’t that seem like a reasonable thing to do? As a part of my practice, I work everyday to live in the determination of how my beliefs are shaping my reality. It is part of my ongoing spiritual practice as a minister. Would I do well to have support of another to observe the constructs of a belief system? Perhaps. It’s one of the things I offer in ministry, to be a mirror for others through the process of spiritual coaching. (Interested in coaching? Reach out to me!)
I was reading through the guidelines of the home inspection and I really appreciated the constant mentions that the inspection is just that, and inspection to see what is observable. The purpose of the inspection is to simply allow for the information to be passed along so that decisions can be made. It is not the purview of the inspector to provide guidance or advice, just observe and report. As a buyer the way I utilize the information will be entirely my decision.
So in what way are you allowing for the inspection of your belief system? Have you ever even considered that an inspection might be a benefit? I am here to tell you that the various ways and tools I’ve incorporated have made my life better. I have developed a solid foundation upon which my life is built. That also means that when a storm comes along (and they do sometimes) I am not simply going to fall apart.
So consider using the spiritual support systems that are all around you! You can strengthen your entire experience of life in this manner. The foundation may need work, but without the work there will be endless issues and problems. If you are ready to let them end, do the work.
When we do the work… we live the results!
That’s a great feeling!!