Jonathan Zenz

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“Heaven–as you call it–is nowhere. Let’s just put some space between the w and the h in that word, and you’ll see that heaven is now…here.”
-Neale Donald Walsch

There is an idea that’s been ruminating in my mind this morning. It’s a little bit of a trap. I sometimes find it difficult to be here now. Do you? The practice of being present is so big in our culture right now… and it is one of the most challenging aspects of living a spiritual life. I find myself stuck between my thoughts of who I once was, and who I want to be… not who I am right now. That is a trick of the mind. It’s a little bit of a tennis match, and where I would like to be is perfectly situated and balanced on the net.

So how do I get there? Well, the common and correct answer (for me) is practice. The more I commit to a daily spiritual practice the more the concepts of past and future lose their meaning and importance. It is not something that happens overnight.

What is the importance of living in the here and now moment? Well, pulling our past into our present keeps the present and future limited to the concepts of what has been. We remain imprisoned by those concepts and cannot grow beyond them until we’ve released them. This is true for what we consider good and bad aspects of our past. Whether good or bad, we are limited by the past.

The nature of the Divine is unlimited. And we are Divine.

The living place of the Divine is Heaven… so if we are Divine, are we not living in Heaven now? We are, when we decide we are, and when we decide we are we may need to give up limiting beliefs from our past.

I think we all want to expand our sense of belonging in Heaven. Make the commitment and step into it fully by giving up the limitations of the past, and any anxiety you may feel about the future. Take a breath, look around, sense the Infinite Truth of your being. You are here now. Love it.

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Now...Here Rev. Jonathan Zenz