Jonathan Zenz

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A New Thought Lent

“Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.”
-Harold S. Kushner

Where is the evidence of our love?

Is it in the words we use?

Is it in the actions we take?

I think the answer is yes on those counts… but words and actions are colored by our emotion and intent. So the evidence is not just in the form, but in the energy behind the form. Also, are we working to make our love evident to the world, or are we working to just be love in our hearts? One aspect of that is rooted in human ego. I expect you can guess which one.

Today is Fat Tuesday. It is the final day in the Carnival celebration. In many Christian traditions this is the final day before the period of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. The period of Lent lasts approximately six weeks, ending just before Easter Sunday. What happens during Lent is ritualized penance and self-denial and fasting. It is meant to be a commemoration of the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert facing temptations before beginning his public ministry. That’s the traditional context and understanding.

How do we, in New Thought, recognize this time and period which begins tomorrow? Well, we actually don’t, but we can.

To answer that let’s look within ourselves to see what temptations we have that take us away from our true nature. What things in mind do we cling to that are contrary to the life we would like to experience? Those are the things we should give up.

While in many years past I have used the acronym “Let’s Eliminate Negative Thinking” to signify a practice for Lent, I feel I have a slightly different take this year. No acronym, just practice.

Let’s take the time daily to really dig deep into our mind to see what is feeding the ego, and let the fast be to deny the ego anything that isn’t healthy and rooted in loving kindness. Beginning tomorrow, and continuing for the entire Lenten period, let’s commit to deeper self-reflection. Let’s take a step back and be the observer of our lives more actively. Let’s see if we are truly acting from love.

I propose doing this by spending time in meditation, contemplation and prayer every single day. Let that be the Lent that we take into our hearts.

This is our opportunity to practice love at the deepest level. Our energy of love in unmistakable, let’s lead with that more purposefully these next six weeks.

It’s reflected in the actions we take.

It’s reflected in the words we use.

That is the evidence of our love.

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A New Thought Lent Rev. Jonathan Zenz

Just a side note: These six weeks of Lent, beginning tomorrow can set us up with new habits of being. We are retraining our minds. Take it to heart, do the work of moment by moment remembering to lead with love. You are worth it to commit to the work. It’s who you are!