To Be Enough

I searched for God, and found only myself. I searched for myself, and found only God.
— Sufi Proverb

When will we get it that we are enough? We may not feel like we are enough. That is only because we succumb to societal pressure to be more, to give in to the rat-race, to achieve and achieve and achieve.

I have a secret — you will never be more that you are in this moment right now.

Before you get down on yourself (or upset with me for saying such a thing) let me clarify… when we take away all the self-judgment and live outside our perception of what others think of us what is left? When we let go of the façade of doing what is left? When we look deep within our soul, what do we find? We find that there is only an interconnected wholeness. We are all of us individualizing the whole — and in being individualizations of the whole we can never be more than we are, because the whole is Infinite. Nothing is more whole than whole.

So let go of any sense of limitation — you are unlimited wholeness.

Let go of lack — you are abundant wholeness.

Let go of disease — you are the wholeness of pure health.

Let go of loneliness — you are the Infinite Love of the whole.

If we live each day with this as our understanding, we might approach the experience of life differently. I'll stake my life on it.

You are enough. You are! I promise!