Be The Beacon

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

What would happen if you didn’t let ANYTHING get to you? I mean ANYTHING AT ALL! To approach the world without negative emotional responses or buttons being pushed is a tall order. Yet, we can be in control of our responses to things.

It’s not that things won’t happen.

Things do happen.

But my message today is not about how we respond, it is about how we become a beacon to others. Ultimately if we can maintain our place as an infinitely loving presence in the world, we can become the example of compassion. We don’t have to agree with everything, and we get to express our opinions — but a loving approach is to learn to express those opinions in a way that does not make other people “wrong”for the opinions they hold. In a world that is increasingly polarized that can feel like a tall order. It’s not impossible, however, and if we begin to act in accordance with that ideal we encourage others to do the same.

So how do we begin?

 Take a breath. Let yourself move, in your own mind, through the instinctual response to other opinions that differ from your own. Let your mind process the information before responding. Ask yourself, “Does this truly require my response?” You might find your response is not necessary. If that is the case — don’t respond.

If a response is warranted, then let your next consideration be this: “Is what I am about to say being said in a loving and compassionate way?” or “Is what I am about to say only being said in an effort to make another person wrong?” How would you like to hear the information being offered?

If we begin by tempering our responses, spoking only from love, and allowing the light to prevail we would quickly change the tone of public discourse. Let’s be the beacon of light to address the darkness. Let us be the beacon of love to address any hate.

That’s how we change the world.