I Am Free To Be Me!



There is an evolution that took place in the understanding of our relationship to the Spiritual Universe. Between the time Ernest Holmes wrote today’s reading, and what he was presenting later in his life he had undergone a change. This is a wonderful thing, for it is indicative of the nature of God, that it is constantly changing and we are constantly evolving as it.

Now I also frequently tell my students that Holmes will seemingly have many contradictory statements in this book and throughout his life’s work. What i always  do when I note these contradictions is consider which is more freeing?

Here’s how it works.

In today’s reading he writes, “…the whole scheme of Life, and the whole nature of the Divine Being is reenacted through man. This, of course, does not mean that man is God. It means that in his small world of individual expression, his nature is identical with God’s.”

This is contrasted with his later claim in the Seminar Lectures, “…the relative is the Absolute at the level of the relative, and all we mean by the relative that there is that which has a relationship to something greater than itself. We are not talking about God and something. There is not God and something else, but only God in all things. ‘I am that I am, besides which there is none other.’”

In considering those two statements, the latter feels to me more freeing. In both he is saying we are unlimited in out nature. The former statement makes that unlimited nature the result of God, and the latter statement our unlimited nature is a given because we are God. We are not free because of God’s good will, we are free because we are God, the “I am that I am, besides which there is none other.”

I am free to be and the only limitations are those which I place upon myself. Those limitations are the cause in mind and they show up as the effect of life. That is our relationship with the Spiritual Universe. We have volition, choice to be whatever we decide and too many have decided to play small. In playing small there is a tacit decision that we are subject to something else. That simply isn’t the case.

All those who have unleveled in their spiritual understanding have come to the realization that we cannot play small, because we are not subject to anything outside the Self. We are magnificent. We are love expressed. We are that we are.

Finally, an understanding of this relationship places us firmly in equality. When I know it for myself, and I accept this for myself, I must know and accept it for ALL others. That means there is no great or small—only our consideration for such matters makes it seem so. We are the ones who develop judgment around sexuality, race, gender, and all the things in the relative world we can point to to say, “look at how different we are.” Yet, if we are all God in its magnificent expression of multiplicity, then there is no difference between any of us.

So as you go about your day, look at everyone for who they truly are… look past their skin, their gender, their expression, and see the Truth… They are God (and so are you).