The H, not the W


For the third time in this book Ernest Holmes has written, “To learn how to think is to learn how to live.” It’s right there on page 133 (and page 123, and page 29). Do you think he means it? Yes, we have been reading the summary of the first part of the book, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that this phrase has been repeated—but repeating it should also point out the level of importance of the idea.

Our thoughts create. What do they create? They create our lives. So by taking the time to delve into more constructive methods of thought we enhance and expand our experience of life.

There is something important in the phrase that I don’t want to let go by, and I am certain that I’ve mentioned it before. It rests upon one word: “how.” Note that the phrase is, “To learn how to think is to learn how to live,” as opposed to this, “To learn what to think is to learn how to live.” It is an important distinction. In early training into the Science of Mind many students are looking for the “what” rather than the “how.” This approach sets us up for disappointment. There is no magic formula for what words to think, or their arrangement. Although many early students do look for such a formula. So then, if “the word” creates… what is the “how” behind creation? The activating factor that gives the word its power is our conviction, our faith. The “how” is in the use of our faith. The stronger the faith, the more powerful the creative flow of life.

So what is it you want to create in your life?

In what way do you think about what it is you want to create?

That’s the key to start considering today.

Move into self-knowing. We can only use this power of creation when we are active in our thinking. That is part of the “how.” To become aware of our thinking patterns and recognizing the way in which our thoughts show up in our lives as form. As we develop self-knowledge, we strengthen our use of the power.

We’ve completed the section on “The Nature of Being,” which is the nature of God as human. We are Spiritual Beings, living in a Spiritual Universe—what comes next is how we use the Spiritual Law in our lives.