It’s NOT a Secret.



Wait a minute. Isn’t this philosophy just, “The Secret?”

Well, actually, yes.

But that movie and book seem pretty far fetched. I mean, here are all these people saying, “You can have WHATEVER you want, if you know how to apply the ‘secret.’”

I think the secret is a great entry point for people who have no previous experience with the philosophy, but unless one is willing to go deeper into the work it is not enough. And that is, I think, why it has come and gone from the collective attention of society.

The premise of the book and movie is that you can get what you want… but that, for me, is the wrong approach. I know I can get what I want, but I don’t think it goes deep enough. I also think “The Secret” is missing a key ingredient for how this all works. Holmes, in today’s reading, mentions the missing key—and I want to take it deeper.

The keys to making this all work: emotion, or conviction behind the thought.

The more conviction or emotion that accompanies thoughts provides the fuel in the engine of creation. Those emotions, the conviction behind the thought, these things are tied to the core beliefs that are the real creators in our lives.

So, if you want a new car, and that is your thought, it is not enough to just want it. Trace the thought back. Perhaps it goes like this: I want a BMW (the thought). I am ashamed of wanting such an extravagance (the feeling). I don’t deserve quality things in my life (the belief). Since the belief is the real creator… what do you think you would get with that belief in place? I can tell you, if your belief is that you don’t deserve quality things in your life, you will not experience them.

So how do we change beliefs? Well, isn’t that what this whole blog is about?

First, it takes work. It takes daily practice. For some it takes minute by minute practice.

If you want to change that belief of “I don’t deserve quality things,” then work to convince yourself that you DO! I know you do, I know we all deserve quality things (if that is what we want). How do I know this? Well, it goes back to the original premise upon which we’ve been focused since we started this journey through “The Science of Mind” book. That premise: YOU ARE GOD.

We call it by many names, God, Infinite, Spirit, Universal Energy, Ultimate Presence, but what we call it is less important than knowing WE ARE IT. Each of us.

Now, does this Infinite Presence deserve quality? Of course!

Since that is who you are, doesn’t it then stand to reason that YOU DESERVE QUALITY? Of course!

Remind yourself that you deserve quality, not because of anything you’ve done, but because of who you are! Make this a daily mantra: I know who I am and I know what I deserve! Only God, only good!

That small voice in the back of your head may come up and object, it may find excuses for you to not believe this, but the more you actively place your focus on the new idea you can actually argue down that small voice in the back of your mind. Eventually, the voice dissipates. Instead of the objection to the mantra, you will likely begin to hear a resounding chorus of “YES!”

Where your belief goes, your experience follows.

So will you get that BMW (or whatever it was that specifically represents quality to you)? If that is your conviction, then yes. Just remember, I wrote a while back that our approach should not be around getting what we want. I believe the approach should be around enhancing the nature of our lives to that which is more productive, constructive, and joy filled. All the “stuff” (likes cars) is secondary to that. When we’ve changed our minds from the depths of our beliefs… life just get’s better. And that’s no secret.