Drop In



Have you ever heard the quote of the mystic poet, Rumi, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”? Well, that’s what today is all about. Recognizing our immensity, our Universal nature. More than recognizing it, identifying AS it. We are the Universe as ourselves.

It feels like a BIG concept.

For many people this is a huge thing because we’ve been taught to feel small. In being taught to feel small, we act small in our lives.

In feeling small, we devolve into the most mundane aspects of living. We tend to just get by. We are not here to just get by. We are here to thrive as fundamentally creative beings!

Here’s what this means for me. I LOVE the experience of life in this physical form. Can everyone say that? Maybe not, but—it is a decision for me to live in that awareness. The entire teaching hinges on the understanding that consciousness isn’t just some amorphous thing, it is the creative essence of all things and all things are the form of consciousness.

Too heady? Think of it this way… form is the natural outcome of a consciousness of “it is.” Once we make that claim, “it is,” then form must follow… otherwise “it would not be.”

So we must become more adept (and this goes even for the most “spiritually sound” mystics out there) at purposefully creating in our lives and experiences, as opposed to just letting our lives and experiences show up haphazardly. We can so easily get in the way.

Now this doesn’t have to be difficult, or filled with any type of struggle.

Difficulty arises when we forget that the creative and constructive aspects of the Universal are WANTING to be created and evolved. We may unknowingly get in the way of this (which is why I say we must become more adept at purposeful creation). It is easy to begin the work of embodying the consciousness of love, light, life, peace, power, beauty, joy, etc. These are the natural aspects of a creative and constructive Universe. The natural order of the Universe is NOT chaos (for even in seeming chaos there is cosmos).

Whether we are aware of it or not, our decisions create our experience. So drop in with the understanding that we are more than drops in the ocean… we are the entire ocean in a drop… and let our decisions be rooted in the constructive and most creative!

We are worth it!

And Rumi knows it too:
“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”