Let Your Light Shine!


I loved today’s reading. I love the idea of the external cycles of life… and that there is no end to the experience of life for any one of us. We are part of infinity, and being a part of infinity is an oxymoron, for there is no part of infinity that is not inherently infinite. The infinity of life is represented here as cycle, after cycle, after cycle of livingness.

Those cycles are only experienced at the level of the experiential world… and we are so much more.

We are light.

After I got back home to Tucson from my weekend in Los Angeles I set myself up to participate in the year one practitioner class that I was assisting with at Global Truth Center. I was able to join in online (a possibility for which I am grateful).

The class was all about light. Living in the light.

The light is Truth.

How are we living in the truth? The truth is the cycle of infinite unfoldment.

One of the great activities that was required of the students was to look up quotes about light that are contained within the Bible (yes, that Bible). One of the students was drawn to this particular quote (and one of my favorites).

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16

Look at that quote. If we accept that light is akin to truth, then what is being said here is YOU (yes, YOU) are the TRUTH of the world. You should shine that light of truth far and wide, and do so without hesitation or fear. When you let your light shine, for all to see, you honor (glorify) the creative spirit within you (which is “your Father in heaven”).

Fear not! Shine on!

You are worth it!

Keep in circulation with the whole Universe!