Expand Your Part of the Experience


“The potential of all things exists in the Universal Wholeness.”

We create our own limits. We may talk a good game about being unlimited, but any degree to which we feel we have not excelled in creating the life we would like, is simply an indication of where the work is to be done.

There are a couple things happening in the world today that show, for me, where the work for me is to be done.

All across the country today marked one month since the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Students all across the country staged a walkout from classes. Their purpose, to call for stricter gun laws.

There are those who will suggest that the path to sensible gun regulation is impossible. It is not. The youth are leading us in this. They know that their potential to move the universe is an untapped power for good.

I am also grateful that they are walking out in support of something constructive. That’s the way to create change, support the constructive side of change. What needs to fall away will fall away.

We do not take what we wish, but we do attract to ourselves that which is like our thought.
— Ernest Holmes

Our power for change lies in the mind, and first and foremost we must change our thinking.

The other thing that has unfolded in the past 24 hours is the announcement that Dr. Stephen Hawking has died. He was 76… and due to his experience of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) he was not expected to live past 25. We could say he beat the odds, but that is looking at precedent as a limitation on the unfoldment of perfect life. I tend to believe that he showed all of us the power of the mind. We are not victims of our physical circumstances, and we needn’t live in the idea that we cannot… we should keep our minds in the place of “I CAN.”

There is no limitation in the infinite. We are all a part of that infinite. Signs of this show up all around us in every moment, in every day. We must be open to recognizing them.

If we want to be exceptional, we must know that being the exception to the rules is what makes us exceptional. Don’t play by the rules. Make up your own rules! That is the work to be done!

You are magnificent!