My Body Is My Business


We are more than our bodies, and yet, at the level of consciousness where we currently operate the body we have is the body that is required.

Whether we have a body hereafter is less important to me in this moment than the way in which my current body serves me in this moment. At the same time, I believe that we have some form of expression that continues when we’ve shed this body. I don’t know what that form looks like, and I am not that concerned about that. What I do with the body that I have now is what is important.

So, how do I treat my body? Am I kind to my body? It’s a good question that can, and will, lead to a better experience of life if I allow myself to be kind and treat myself with respect.

Eat well.

Move well.

Drink enough water.

These are three of the kindest things I can do for myself.

That’s what was on my mind as I read today’s reading.

There is a lot more that I am thinking about that has less to do with today’s reading and everything to do with today’s events. There is more on that to come when I release my podcast tomorrow. Until then I leave you with hashtags.

#marchforourlives #marchforourlivestucson #enoughisenough