Go West Young Man?


The reading today touches on going more deeply in understanding what we don’t know, and allowing ourselves to know it. It also asks us to question the necessity of concerning ourselves with too much beyond ourselves.

Some people look to this reading as an affront on what they believe, and I suppose it can be taken that way, but that is all point of view.

Here is what is true: psychic phenomena exists.

Here is my question: What value is there in more deeply exploring psychism and attempting to communicate with individuals on the subjective plane, when we have a Infinite Universality to which we all have access?

I do believe that a really good psychic can make intuitive declarations. Although they may say that it is “this or that” person who may have made their transition beyond this plane of action, or even if they indicate that they are “reading our mind,” the really good psychic is actually intuiting the Universal.

I have a story about my relationship to psychism. It is not about communication with the hereafter… but about what may or may not have been happening in my own mind. It is also an example of how we are susceptible to the ideas of another (and how we give our power of creation away sometimes). This story is tempered with this notion: I don’t know, and will never know, what might have unfolded if the circumstances were changed.

Here is what happened.

When I was living in New York City in the late 1990s I was working for a cabaret room. I worked on their marketing initiatives, but had initially been hired to be a technical director in the room and run sound and lights for the cabaret acts that came through. My boss was a man who believed in tarot cards and he weekly would sit with a tarot card reader. He invited me to sit and have a reading. Thus began my regular visits to the tarot card reader. This was before my time in Science of Mind.

I clearly recall a reading where she turned my cards over and pronounced to me, “well it looks like you’re moving west within the next year.”

My first thought was, “to the west side?”

She clarified, “It looks like you will be moving to the west coast. next year”


This is NOT something that was in my mind, not at all a consideration for me.

I decided to take it with a grain of salt and move on. I actually stopped seeing her at that point because I thought she was not correct in her reading. That was also a clue for me (which I only recognize in retrospect) that I get to be in charge of my mind!

Cut to the continued unfolding of my New York City life… I found myself becoming involved in a relationship with a man who I ended up living with. I don’t have much to say about this relationship except to say that it was toxic and abusive. As I struggled through the situation in which I found myself involved I started looking for escapes. It was not easy for me to simply march in and say, “it’s over.” No, I couldn’t seem to do that. I was afraid of retaliation.

What did seem easy was to walk in one day and simply say, “I have decided to try out my acting career in Los Angeles. So I am going to move to California.” That was easier because I was certain he wouldn’t follow me.

I did move to California, and he did follow me. His following me is not the point. But to close that part of the story, I did walk out about nine months after we had landed in Los Angeles.

The point is this, the tarot card reader was right. She was right about the move and about the timing… this move had happened about a year after that tarot card reading.

I am still left with questions. Was she right because she truly intuited something about my future? Or was she right because she planted a seed in my causative mind that took root and manifested into an experience in the world of form. Basically, it is a chicken/egg conundrum.

If it was the former, fine. I just have to ask myself, “what does it really do for me to know about my future… and does that mean, too, that my future is locked into some path off of which I cannot veer?” That doesn’t seem like a very creative life, so I would prefer not to know. I would prefer to live in this moment.

If it was the latter, that is concerning. If I allow that seed to be planted, then I have given away my power for the creation of my own path in life. I would prefer to remember that I am in charge, and I don’t need to actively subject myself to anyone else’s interpretation of my mind.

So I choose now to not actively participate in the world of psychics. That is my personal choice and I don’t judge anyone else who does participate. I just want to know that any decision I make is mine, and mine alone. I want to take 100% responsibility for the unfolding of my life.

PS - I don’t regret moving to Los Angeles, I lived there for twelve years and it was in LA that I came to embody this new path.