Rest and Change


There is no rest for the eternal Spirit. It is always unfolding, creating, evolving. We can either try to work against it or go with the flow.

Truth be told, we could row upstream in the river of life. That would provide a lot of stress and strain. We could also allow ourselves to flow with the Divine current knowing that the momentum takes us down the river to wherever we chose to be.

So what is it going to be?

I need to accept that change is unfolding for me in ways that were unexpected. As I have found myself in Tucson and flowing with the Divine current to bring the Tucson New Thought community into being I have had to face the fact that some of what I have been doing is in need of change. So I am accepting this change.

One change involves this blog. While it has been my commitment to post an entry everyday, this has become more challenging with the new momentum for Tucson New Thought. So I am going to reduce the number of entries each week and primarily post on Wednesdays. BUT… I am still going to be addressing the daily readings in the post. So each Wednesday I will post the reading schedule for the following week at the end of that week’s post.

There may be times when I feel compelled to address the reading in the moment… so that means there may be some interstitial posts.

So this is the post for this week! I will post again next Wednesday, and address these readings:

  • Thursday, March 29: 385.2-389.1
  • Friday, March 30: 491.1-493.1
  • Saturday, March 31: 393.4-395.2
  • Sunday, April 1: 149.1-150.1 (Happy Easter!)
  • Monday, April 2: 150.2-152.1
  • Tuesday, April 3: 541.M3&4
  • Wednesday, April 4: 441.2-442.4

After things get settled here in Tucson and I am in a rhythm I may go back to daily blogs... but this is me taking care of myself. I trust you understand and support this flow!

On another note, the first Celebration Service for Tucson New Thought is coming up this Sunday, April 1 at 10am MST. There is a plan to webcast live on the Tucson New Thought Facebook page. I would love to have you join us! Just like the page at: