Personality and Technique


In reading today’s few paragraphs there are two ideas that come to me. First, the power of thought is the practical application of the Science of Mind. This entire faith tradition hinges on the power of thought as cause to all effects. To practice the Science of Mind, we must practice the art of affirmative, constructive, and active thinking. That’s all there is to it. What we think becomes the experience of our lives.

One of the challenges for many is to take any sense of personality out of the Universal. Why would we do this? Doesn’t it feel good to think that there is a benevolent and caring Universal Presence overseeing all creation? It does feel good! But it is a little bit old school. It doesn’t care what we create… it just creates.

We are actually the personality of this Divine Universal Presence. It is through our expression of life that the Universal Presence expresses personality… and all personalities are the makeup of the Divine personality. So if we want to express benevolence AS the Divine, then the Divine is benevolent. If we want to express care AS the Divine, then the Divine is caring. We must work, in our own lives, to find the discernment to know what is right for us… and harm no other in the process.

Sound familiar? It’s actually akin to the Golden Rule… Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Some form of the Golden Rule is found in ALL faith traditions. There must be something to it.

The second idea that comes to me is this: let go of any notion that there are any tricks in creation. There are no tricks, only techniques to be mastered. Once we master the techniques we master our lives. One technique for engaging the creative process actively I wrote about yesterday, Spiritual Mind Treatment. What are some other Spiritual Practices you can come up with that affirm creation through you? Let me know what works for you… because technique is ANYTHING that works (provided the technique is mastered).

This entire philosophy needs to become active in each of us through practical application. If it doesn’t, well, then, it’s just a bunch of lovely thoughts, but those thoughts are unactivated. Unactivated thoughts equate to an unactivated life. Perhaps it’s time to choose to activate the inherent good and step up our practice. That’s what I am doing today… and everyday.