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I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.

The Sacred Journey of Childlike Wonder took a deep dive yesterday. I love these beautiful little gems of care provided by our hosts which deepen into self-discovery, and ultimately self-actualization. During our midday workshop yesterday we were reminded that all the work we do while we are here means nothing if we don’t carry it with us beyond this experience.

I came to a realization through the work we did yesterday that there is lingering shame which I need to address in my life. I think I always knew it was there, I just hadn’t had the courage to allow myself to be vulnerable in admitting it.

The workshop was focused on addressing the issues of the inner-child. The pains and the hurts. What was clarified for me was that I carried a pain that was not because of my home-life (which was wonderful), but because of the pressure of shared consciousness of a society. I have done a LOT of work in this arena, to release that pressure, to forgive trespasses by even those who didn’t know they had committed a trespass, and to awaken into the inherent Truth of my being. Let’s face it, I became a minister, and that required addressing the deep pains of life. It still does.

If it feels I am talking around the issue… I am with the desire to maintain some confidentiality and respect the process.

The workshop took an interesting turn for me, though, when one of the participants took the opportunity to apologize to me for past behavior. There was a revealing of Divinity in that moment — which is the true healing. This participant opened up to a realization that their behavior was directly tied to the pain I had shared about my inner-child’s place in the world. The connection was recognized, action was taken, and healing occurred.

It is an important reminder to me that we never know the depth to which we can effect change by being transparent and allowing our vulnerabilities to show. If we keep a stiff upper lip, we may be denying the revelation of Truth for someone else. The pain will never be healed in that manner. I am NOT suggesting that we go around spilling our crap on everyone else, that’s just morbid. What we must do is live in the willingness to speak the Truth when it really counts.

Be wise. We truly don’t know what we don’t know. But in our willingness to begin to know we can change the world.

(P.S. There is a personal and private reason this blog post is cryptically titled “Nine” - to know why wouldn’t deepen the experience of reading the blog for anyone. I ask your indulgence in allowing me to keep the reason private.)