We Are, It Is, That's That

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“When we use the word God or Spirit we do not mean a tribal God, but the Supreme Mind and Power back of all created form, the Intelligence which responds to us, the Intelligence which rises through the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, and blossoms in the human mind as It approaches the conscious recognition that It is one with this Oversoul.”
Ernest Holmes.

Returning to the roots on which we blossom in the New Thought paradigm, what is written above is such an important — if not the most important — concept in our philosophy of being. In the evolution of life (which I believe on some level includes all creation whether we consider it living or not) we have moved away from the concepts of the man in the sky, away from the “eternal Father” in the sense that there is a being “out there.” There is an eternal Father-ship, an energy of creation which is the wholeness of our own personal being. We are never separate from it.

Our work in Spiritual practice, then, is in exploring our connectedness as God (not with God). Our connectedness is with all things: mineral, vegetable, and animal. The delineations of kingdoms mentioned here are attributable to the work of Thomas Troward (a major influence on Holmes). There are two other kingdoms, though: the human and the Divine. The purpose of our practice is to embody this Divine ideal which is the kingdom of the Divine, the fifth manifestation of Spirit.

This is what Holmes is offering in his reference to another great influence, Ralph Waldo Emerson, in the expression of our inherent one-ness with the “Oversoul.”

What does all this mean?

It goes back to the fundamental premise: We are God, and so is everything that exists. Everything seen and unseen. The very creative energy of God are the building blocks of all life and creation.

Language is clumsy. It is impossible to sufficiently explain these concepts in language alone. That is why we engage in spiritual practice, to more fully understand and embody the connection. The purpose of a practice, like meditation, is to bring us to the point of understanding at a soul-feeling level. To know intellectually that “we are God” is not enough to bring about change for the better in our lives; the deeper embodiment of this ineffable idea is what we are looking to experience and achieve.

So today’s message is about practice. To DAILY practice the principles of New Thought through meditation, prayer, visioning, or whatever perfect practice works for you to deepen into your soul’s understanding, is the whole point. Move past the intellect into the heart. No-one can do it for you. It is the most personal inner journey you can take, and the time to start is now.