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“DAILY WE MUST CONTROL ALL THOUGHT THAT DENIES THE REAL; AFFIRM THE DIVINE PRESENCE WITHIN US; then, as the mist disappears before the sun, so shall adversity melt before the shining radiance of our exalted thought!”
-Ernest Holmes

In the quote above, Ernest Holmes is trying to drive in the point by making the majority of it fully capitalized in the writing. I think he was pretty serious about the importance of this concept. While we consider all caps a form of yelling… maybe this is the way we get through. I don’t believe I need to yell, but I will stand strong in my belief that daily affirmation of the divine presence is necessary to release life’s adversities. Our mental approach to life colors the experience of life. So affirmation sets a tone for the expression of our day.

Today’s practice is simple affirmations. As I am considering this today, I am reminded of a video I saw online of a four year old girl doing affirmations in the bathroom mirror. Some of them are hard to understand, but the essence is real.

In the video, the little girl, Jessica, is presenting affirmations in the way that we teach affirmations.

The thing to know about affirmations is that they are spoken in the first person present tense. Why? Try these options on for size.

Say this out loud: Life is amazing!

That works pretty well… but feel the difference when you state it like this out loud: “I have an amazing life!” Recognizing the self in the statement does something at a deeper level. Being more specific, and claiming the amazing life for yourself carries with it an energy that is palpable.

Also, it is important to make the claims in the present tense. Whatever the affirmation is, it is happening now. If we were to make the claim in the future tense, for instance, “I will have an amazing life,” keeps the affirmation in the future… always. I don’t know about you, but I prefer my amazing life in the here and now.

So what do you want to claim for yourself? Make a list and start to affirm the good each day. While you don’t have to look in the mirror while you do it, it can be helpful. If you are uncomfortable looking in the mirror, keep at it so that you develop a comfort level. See what it does for you!

Daily affirm the good, know you are the Divine presence expressing here and now. You are Infinity expressing as individuality. Celebrate that through affirmation!


A little follow up to the video. Jessica, was four at the time the video was recorded. The video went viral when she was 12 and she is now 21 years old at the time I am presenting this. She was interviewed a few years back while she was a sophomore at Southern Methodist University. In the interview she explains, “I can’t tell you how many times people have said I should re-create the video now that I’ve had time for life to suck the happiness out of me. That’s just not realistic for me. I don’t stand on the bathroom counter these days, but that video’s still a good representation of who I am.” (Link to interview The proof is in the pudding, Jessica can do it and so can you! Have a great day everyone.