You Be You

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“I know they make fun of me, but actually all these years people have thought the joke was on me, but it’s actually been on the public. I know exactly what I’m doing and I can change it at any time… I am sure of myself as a person.”
-Dolly Parton

Yesterday was a very full day. It wasn’t supported by my decision to sleep in later than usual. Clearly, though, I needed the time, and if I am going to be honest (and why would I be anything but honest) if I had made an entry yesterday in the blog and podcast it would have been forced. So today I am inspired, and that makes for a better experience all around.

There is a lot that I’ve taken into consideration in the past twenty-four hours that has moved me. The first was the quote from Dolly Parton. In feeling inspired by that quote, I am reminded to look beyond the places where I know I can easily find inspiration. Inspiration is everywhere when we are open to it. I have always been inspired by Dolly. She is a pretty amazing expression of love on this earth.

I am also inspired by RuPaul. The philosophy of self-love and the deepest understanding of inner-truth that is expressed by this six-foot-four (in flats) drag queen rivals that of many known philosophers.

I think what draws me to them is the propensity to live life with abandon, to unapologetically be themselves. I am drawn to that because it is something that I struggle with myself.

Part of spiritual practice is allowing ourselves to live in a state of consistent reminders. We don’t have to do it all ourselves. When we understand who we are, and that we are all connected as one, then the reminders keep showing up. It is the divine flow of good. We can stay in the flow or remove ourselves from it. The choice is entirely ours.

Later in the day, yesterday, I was saddened by the act of an organization that is choosing to, in my opinion, remove themselves from the flow. The United Methodist Church, in their international conference, voted in favor of maintaining a ban on GLBTQ+ clergy as well as a continued ban on same-sex marriage ceremonies. This saddened me because I felt going up that UMC was more inclusive as a religious community than is evidenced by this vote. I am not going to go deeply into this here, I wrote about it on Facebook and Instagram last night.

Hearing about this vote, though, in the news made me stop for a moment and relish in gratitude for my faith tradition. As a religious science minister I recognize the inherent value of all people as aspects of an infinite wholeness. We all matter to the expression and experience of the Infinite Spirit, because it is who we are. I frequently say to people in service, and just in my sphere of influence, that truth is the great equalizer.

I am God. You are God. We are all God. Everything that exists is God. In this framework of understanding we’ve eliminated the “other.” The “other” is a perception of separation, and as long as we maintain this perception we will remain separate. I welcome you and everyone into my spiritual home. I trust there is room for all in this Universe because this universe is an integrated expression of infinite wholeness. You are welcome here, just as you are.