What's Next?

"Every moment of our existence holds an infinite number of possibilities.
-Dr. Wayne Dyer

I have returned from a weekend at La Casa de Maria, an interfaith retreat and conference center in Santa Barbara, California. I was there with many of the practitioners and board members of Global Truth Center for our annual retreat. My experience there was lovely, and far too short.

On the opening night of our retreat we gathered in the chapel, I led a guided meditation which was then followed with introductions. It's always fascinating to hear the stories of what got people to the place where they now are. While fascinating, these stories are not the defining factor for any of us.

I had to remind myself in that moment to let go of my story. Letting go of my story opens me up to the possibilities which are infinitely available. I think we tend to limit our idea of the possibilities available because we perceive that our life is a singular path that is the result of all that got us to this point. That's not true - only the past in a singular path, the future has no path. It's only in retrospect we see the path we created.

What lies ahead is infinite possibility. Let's not limit it in our belief that our future is tied to the past.

To move forward is to live the unknown. That's pretty exciting to me!

Today live in the question, "What's next?" with the intention that anything is possible. Let your answer to the question be magnificent, unexpected, and inspiring!