Before the Big Bang
What existed before existence? That’s the infinite question I feel I have walked away with following the reading. And it is a question that has only one answer—nothing and everything existed before existence.
The framework of today’s reading is Judeo-Christian based. Ernest Holmes did, after all, grow up with the desire to reconcile the Christian influences of his childhood with the new thought and transcendentalist philosophies he was immersed in. From a historical perspective, Ernest Holmes family were a Christian church going family and avid readers of the Bible. Although the denomination was quite conservative and judgmental in its expression of the Christian theology this was NOT the point of view of his parents, and they taught Ernest Holmes differently. For the Holmes family, a judgmental God didn’t work in their paradigm. So it became Ernest Holmes life’s work to find the loving through line of Christianity, and other major world religions, distill it and most importantly teach a method for using it in the expression of life.
Today’s reading is heavily influenced by the work of Thomas Troward. Specifically in raising the questions about from what Infinite Spirit was creating. If there was nothing, how did there come to be something? The only logical answer is that there was never nothing. So the paradigm in Science of Mind is that everything is formed from Infinite Spirit—for there is nothing else.
When I was studying to become a Religious Science Practitioner (one step before going into ministerial studies) I was assigned to do a presentation in class. The presentation was to express the creative process with the ultimate goal being this, how does the body (or form) relate to Spirit? In this assignment I was inspired by this very reading today.
Being the visual techie that I am I offered a video presentation that opened with a black screen. From the image of nothing-ness we hear the words spoken, “I Am.” What followed was a rush of light, and from the light was born all form. What I was trying to impart is that the Big Bang was the result of Spirit stating for the first time, “I Am.” In knowing itself all creation unfolded. Peppered in was the music of Joni Mitchell singing, “We are stardust, we are golden, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.”
The presentation was about as obtuse as Holmes re-writing of the creation myth.
So here is where I leave it today: What do you think? How do you believe existence came into being? While we may never have a definitive answer, it is definitely something to be contemplated. So think about it today.