Responsibility and Choice




I missed blogging yesterday. It feels frustrating when I’ve made a commitment to myself, and then have a misstep in seeing it through. Do you ever feel that way? That frustration is an inside job. I get to do something about it. The antidote to frustration is forgiveness. That is how we heal the frustration.

So I live in forgiveness of myself… and I ask your forgiveness in missing my post yesterday.

In yesterday’s reading, Dr. Holmes wrote, “Whatever we think, act, believe in, feel, visualize, vision, image, read and talk about—in fact all processes which affect or impress us at all—are going into the subjective state of our thought, which is our individualized use of Universal Mind. Whatever goes into the subjective state of our thought tends to return again as some condition. So we, and we alone, control our destiny.”

This speaks to a major aspect of New Thought philosophy that it is time for us all to take to heart: total responsibility for our lives. We cannot blame anyone around us for the way in which our life may be unfolding if we are not happy. It is up to us to work our minds to the natural state of happiness. We cannot blame “God” for any dissatisfaction we may feel. God is us (not IN us… it IS us), we are creative and our dissatisfaction is our own creation. We can just as easily create satisfying lives and experiences.

So when I feel my frustration, this is why forgiveness of myself is key to relieving myself of the effects of frustration in my life.

I returned to my Sherman Oaks apartment last night following a several days in Irvine, California where I was attending the Spiritual Living Convention of the Centers for Spiritual Living. It is through Centers for Spiritual Living that I am licensed as a Religious Science Minister. So it was several days of being with my colleagues. We keep the convention uplifted with great speakers and music and workshops. While I was there, too, I allowed myself to go on a journey of deepening insight. There are choices I am making, and living in the mystery of what outcomes will unfold based on those choices has been a little bit of a challenge. I would attend talks given by various people at the convention and feel like a choice I had made was perfect… only to rethink the choice later based on new information provided by another speaker. So to whom do I listen? How about taking it all in and allowing my intuition to lead!?

At the end of the day, there is no wrong choice that can be made. If the choice I make ends up resulting in effects that I am not happy with, I can make a new choice at that point and move forward. To do that, however, a choice has to be made in the first place. So I choose… and trust. The perfect outcome is always assured.

That’s it for today… I have to go pack my apartment! I am headed to Tucson in less than a week and there is much to be done!

Peace and Blessings!