A Perfect Cause will Always Produce a Perfect Effect



Are we getting it yet? We’ve reached the summary of part one, “The Nature of Being.”

So what is the nature of being? Have you worked it out yet?

Here is what I’ve come to (with, admittedly, more than a decade of consideration behind me as well). If there is only one thing, “The Thing Itself,” and nothing else, because it is infinite, then we are “The Thing Itself.” It matters less what we call it, so let’s not get hung up on the word that scares so many people off: God. God can simply mean “good orderly direction,” or “greatness on demand,” for it is simply the energy of all creation and takes the mental demands we place upon it and gives them direction. That direction is the creation in form of the mental idea. The potential within this directed energy is unlimited (because The Thing Itself is unlimited).

So why then are we limited in our experience of life? The only answer that seems feasible to me any longer is this, we have come to believe in the limitations we’ve come to believe in more than the infinite nature of our being-ness.

“Man is potentially perfect but free-will and self-choice cause him to appear imperfect.”

Those words of Ernest Holmes in this section are very important. They speak to the limitations we place upon ourselves through the choices we make. The resulting experience then seems imperfect. It is not. It is the perfect equivalent to what is in our minds. When we have spent a lifetime under the assumption that limitations are real, these are the mental tendencies set in motion and life shows up as limited. Does this frame of mind change overnight? Well, it can, but my experience is that most people need to mentally process the change to truly embody it. So let yourself off the hook—if you’ve made strides toward change, keep at it! This work is work until it’s not work any longer.

The nature of being is this: we are unlimited creators.

As I depart Los Angeles within a week, and move to a new, old, city (I say new, old, because I grew up in Tucson--but haven’t lived there in 21 years) I am faced with infinite possibility for what I want to create there. As I allow the creative juices to flow through me I have many ideas for what my next adventure looks like, but the truth is I won’t know it really until it unfolds. My job is to live in the faith of the vision and act accordingly so that the vision unfolds in magnificent ways. Keeping my mind in the place of faith, all possibilities unlike the vision fall away and only the execution of the vision unfolds.

It takes practice to master this (after all we’ve been in the mental habit of something quite different our whole lives before coming to the metaphysical paradigm). So we must be gentle with ourselves. That gentleness sometimes shows up as humor and laughter as I look at some of the things I’ve created in my life. All I can do is laugh incredulously at those things and sarcastically exclaim, “Well, will you just look at what I created!” I now do this with the full knowledge that whatever I’ve created I can recreate in my life as something else. That’s the power of this teaching for me—nothing in form is permanent. It can all be revised to our liking, but it is up to us to do the work in mind.