A Rose is Always A Rose



There is a song in the musical, “The Fantasticks” called “Plant A Radish.” The premise is simple. The fathers of the young lovers sing of the dependability of the vegetables planted in their garden. We use a similar metaphor in the philosophy, and it shows up in the reading today. The soil doesn’t have an opinion on what seeds are deposited… the seeds take their nourishment and grow.

The seeds of our minds are the same. Whatever we plant will grow.


The song in “The Fantasticks” also has a turn in it. The purpose of the song is to celebrate the dependability of the vegetables, but also bemoan the unknown nature of our children. That is, we don’t know what they will grow into until they are nearly grown.

So I was thinking about how this can relate to Science of Mind… and it tracks. Children represent the individualized mind which has volition and can engage in the type reasoning that amounts to educated guesses in life.

We are all the children of the most high, and as children we are not separated from it. Its nature for growth and expansion is the same as our nature for growth and expansion. We are bestowed with all the power of the Universe to make great leaps in life, but also to take great stumbles. The Universe as parent can only provide a pathway… it is up to us whether we choose it or not… just as parents ultimately can illuminate a path for their children, but it is up to the children whether they choose that path.

So there are two things going on here: alignment and misalignment.

Whichever seed we plant in our decision making will grow accordingly. That is the gift of the Infinite—it is dependable in growing the exact seeds we plant. When we are aligned with the deepest understanding of our infinite nature, our health, our most exquisite creative expression, and expansive and loving relationships these are the seeds that blossom in our lives.

When we are in misalignment in the belief that life is hard, money is hard to come by, our creative nature is lacking, and no-one loves us… those are the things that grow in our experience.

So, would you prefer to be a rose? Get in touch with your mind to determine if you are in alignment with the rose.