Let It Go... The Belief?



In today’s reading there is a sentence that is very relevant to the work we do. It is this, “…one of the first things the Practitioner has to do is separate the belief from the believer.”

It’s a nice theory. And we’ve grown past this.

Let’s start with the importance of what Holmes is getting at. The idea of separating the belief from the believer is for the purpose of installing a new belief so that change can happen. As long as we maintain a belief, we will maintain the experience in life. How do we know what we believe? Look at the circumstances of our lives—they are a direct reflection of what we believe.

So a major premise of the teaching has always been to root up the belief and get rid of it… like he says, separate the belief.

Here’s the problem with this idea… it’s impossible.

Logically what I have been working with to deepen in my own Spiritual Practice, and what I encourage in all my students to work with is this: UNITY. There is no place where God is not. This includes us. We are this Infinite Wholeness. All that God is we are. That includes all belief (because all beliefs reside within the Universal Mind—and that mind is our mind). The minute we think we can separate a belief, we have stepped into duality. Duality is a belief in God and something else. We cannot actually do that. Yet, there are people who beat themselves up for years trying to separate that damn belief from their belief system, because that is what they’ve been taught to do.

What if we reframe this? How about we deepen our understanding that as expressions within the Infinite Wholeness that belief will always exist. Let’s worry less about eradicating it from mind and place our focus more on strengthening our faith in a different belief. See, the alternative belief ALSO exists in mind (always has and always will). When we do to the work in Spiritual Practice to strengthen a different belief we actually have greater success in changing our lives.

It is all about where we place our focus.

So don’t beat yourself up for having the belief and feeling like you can’t get rid of it. Look at it. See it. Honor that for some period of your experience this belief served you well… and in the now recognition that it no longer serves you make a choice about what you want moving forward.

There is no need to let it go… simply let something else grow!