Absolute Power


There is an immutable law at work from which the entire form of the Universe has been created. Everything that exists is the out-picturing of the law. Everything. There are no exceptions to this.

Why is this important? Well, if everything that exists is the result of this unchanging law… then there must be something that sets in motion this law. There is cause to all effect.

This “blind force” that Ernest Holmes explains in today’s reading is responsive to all conceivable ideas.

We create ideas in our own minds (which is actually our identity and use of the Universal Mind).

These ideas take form.

As Holmes mentions, “This was the secret power of Jesus.” It is actually the secret power for all who are creative in life…. and it’s no secret.

By training our thought, we actively participate in creation rather than tacitly participating. Life happens for us when we actively participate, rather than to us when we are passively participating in creation.

So what have you been sitting on because it seems out of the realm of possibility? The very notion that it seems out of the realm of possibility keeps that idea at bay… and it can never take root in creation. That is the law at work. The law hears, “this is out of the realm of possibility,” and affirms this and molds the facts of experience to this idea. This will remain the fact of life until the mind changes and a new idea takes hold.

Claim for yourself today that whatever you desire in life is not beyond the realm of possibility. Anything is possible because everything is probable. That is, all possibility has the probability of existing in form. We need to be definite in our approach to this notion of creation.

Our definite approach, the technique that we can all be trained in (and yet… it is not the ONLY technique) is Spiritual Mind Treatment. Remember I outlined the steps of treatment in the blog I posted on March 7? (CLICK HERE to re-read that entry). How have you been doing with those steps? Have you been working them? What has shown up for you?

Did you try it out once or twice, feel like you didn’t see anything show up and give up? If that is the case, I will invite you to try again. The consciousness of “giving up” returns in form an exacting experience. The very notion that “it doesn’t work” creates the experience of it not working… which is the perfect work of the immutable law.

Keep up with it. Practice it daily. Set the tone for your day by committing to using the technique as part of your morning ritual. You get to decide on the path of your life. You are the absolute power over your experience. Use it!