Sitting in Love



Tomorrow is a big day for me. I have the first gathering of Tucson New Thought. It will be an intimate gathering to begin, only fifteen people. Keeping this first gathering small is purposeful as the location at which we are meeting can only accommodate at most that many comfortably.

As I consider what is to be with the new community, I am also reminiscing about my past and all that I bring with me to the table as I embark on this new exciting adventure.

I carry this all with me as part of the complete circle. While I frequently offer in my teaching of the Science of Mind that we should not allow our past to deter us from our present, I focus on this paradigm because most people bring the ill fated experiences of their past into the present. I have many wonderful experiences I can look to in my past that prove to me that I am equal to whatever lies ahead. I know that what lies ahead is continued greatness. I have full faith that Tucson New Thought is the perfect unfoldment of my next step in ministry.

Many things are lining up in perfection as I make decisions and step forth in faith.

So today’s reading is about the circle of Love being complete and whole, and in that we can celebrate the things that are. At our core we are in complete harmony with Spirit—there can be no other experience. This is what I bring to the table tomorrow. And I am grateful.

So I relish the excitement! I look forward to what unfolds. And I live in faith!

That is sitting in the Love and knowing who I am!