Stop Thinking So Hard


Have you ever made a major life change without any guarantee that the choice you made was going to work out in your favor? I am going through it now. Moving to a new (old) city with no guarantees is a scary thought. I can easily fall into the frame of mind that there is more going “against” me than going for me in this endeavor.

On the surface, that seems like a safety precaution. When I identify all that could go wrong, then I avoid the pitfalls of those possibilities, right?


Entertaining the pitfalls in any way can turn our minds to a focus on those things, and where our minds go our experiences flow. I am more likely to create those pitfalls in the unfoldment of my endeavor if I accept in mind that those pitfalls are a possibility. That is the perfect balance of the objective world with what is in mind.

“Thought force is a movement of consciousness in  a field of mechanical but intelligent law,” and so what I am thinking creates movement. Thought IS a force… and doesn’t need to be forced. All we need to do to change our thought is practice the art of thinking. The more we bring to mind what we would like to experience, the more we weight the tendency of our ongoing thought on the side of those experiences.

So if my initial thought atmosphere is “moving to a new place with no guarantees is scary,” then until I weight my mind in another paradigm I will experience exactly that: no guarantees, and scary experiences.

What is required of me, then, is to work my mind in the direction of that which is supportive. Let this become my mental atmosphere. Each day, convince myself more thoroughly that success is assured. The convincing comes through ease, not through coercion of thought. Frankly, if I have to coerce my mind into a belief, that belies the truth I am involved in aligning with in my soul. Coercion of thought means we don’t really believe the thought.

Today I choose to be this person to whom Dr. Holmes refers:

“The man who dares to fling his thought out into Universal Intelligence, with the assurance of one who realizes his divine nature and its relation to the Universe—and dares to claim all there is—will find an ever creative good at hand to aid him.”

This requires a deep embodiment of knowing who I am.

I am God.

Everyone is God.

There is no separation.

The technique of Spiritual Mind Treatment I teach hinges on this. These two things are the crux of treatment and constitute the first two steps of a five-step process.

  1. God is all there is (absolutely NOTHING else exists).
  2. I am God (for if I were something else, God would not be infinite).

When our mental work is grounded in this Spiritual Truth, the rest of the treatment work and steps become easy.

So my job today… stop thinking so hard, and accept the ease of my life unfoldment AS God.