Speak Love



What is it to speak with your authentic voice?

I believe it is speaking from a place of Spiritual Integrity, never denigrating anyone or anything (especially yourself). In the first of today’s meditations we are encouraged to recognize that place of Spirit that is who we are and allow that voice to come forth.

The words we speak have power. They are the products of our thinking… feeling… believing selves. They reflect (sometimes accurately, sometimes inaccurately) what we believe and as such they set the course of creation for all we experience.

So speaking out loud is somewhat akin to praying; and better we do it purposefully rather than from a reactionary place.

When I am teaching Practitioners, we traverse the landscape of self talk deeply. It is an important exercise for us all to get in touch with what we are creating. When we place our focus on the self talk we may begin to recognize where we have beliefs that do not support us. In recognizing these beliefs, we can begin to do something about them. I have watched major life shifts unfold as a result of this work.

The corollary to the practice of focusing on self-talk is the practice of focusing on how we speak of others. For again this is setting a creative mind into action. The caveat here is that our talk about others has no effect on others (unless they are receptive in mind to the suggestion). It actually reflects in our own lives more so than others. So if I speak ill of someone, I better believe I am speaking ill of myself… and the Universe responds accordingly.

Take time to activate the practice of awareness.

One activating practice I encourage is to place this phrase at the end of every sentence: and so it is.

For instance, if I say, “Life is amazing,” and add the phrase, “and so it is,” I clarify for myself if I really believe it.

If I complain about something, and add the phrase to the complaint, it clarifies for me the power of the complaint. What the law of cause and effect takes is the complaint, affirms it as real and creates more for me to complain about.

If I say something hurtful about someone else, add the phrase, I will quickly become aware of how I am hurting myself with that phrase (because I must assume whatever I say about others, is something I am saying about myself).

So get in touch with the authentic voice. Let our words be words of unconditional love, unconditional support, and unconditional illumination. This is how we begin to transform our lives and the world at the same time.